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FLOWERING: izrazi sa cvećem


U ovom tekstu delim par korisnih izraza vezanih za cveće

1. Flowery (adj.)

Danas se reč “floral” koristi da se govori o cvetnim šarama, dok se "flowery” obično koristi da opiše pisanje koje je previše otmeno ili komplikovano.

  • Don’t use such flowery language! Just say what you want to say using simple words.

  • Shakespeare’s writing is flowery by modern-day standards.

2. Late-Bloomer (n.)

Neko ko postane dobar u nečemu posle mnogo zalaganja i truda , nasuprot očekivanjima

· I was a late bloomer. I only started getting taller in my teens.

· Most figure skaters start competing as children, but Sara is a late bloomer who started in her teens.

3. Blossom (n., v.)

Kada drvo ili biljka procveta, proizvodi cveće pre nego što proizvede voće koje se može jesti:

  • The cherry is beginning to blossom.

Takođe, kažemo i za ljude ,,da cvetaju" , ,,da su procvetali" kad imaju neke pozitivne promene u njihovim životima.

  • Alice has really blossomed since she moved to Spain.

  • Little Ana is suddenly blossoming into a very attractive woman.

  • Tom and Nick's friendship blossomed into love.

4. Budding (adj.)

Znači pupoljak.

· Jon is a budding journalist. At the age of 15, he’s writing for the local newspaper.

· Bieber’s fans are sad about his budding romance with a model.

5. Nip in the Bud (idiom)

„Ugrizanje nečega u pupoljku” bukvalno znači odseći pupoljak pre nego što postane cvet.

Ako problem „uklonite“ „u korenu“, preduzimate mere rano da sprečite da se problem pogorša.

· My daughter has started smoking and I want to nip that in the bud.

· Because the cancer was detected at an early stage, doctors were able to nip it in the bud.

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