Kad ste poslednji put komunicirali na engleskom? Da li se plašite da nećete dobiti posao jer vaš engleski nije na visini zadatka? Da li se plašite da ćete pogrešiti vreme? Da li se plašite da se nećete moći setiti neke reči?
U ovom tekstu sa vama delim odgovore na 3 najčešća pitanja koja se postavljaju na razgovoru za posao.
Tell us a bit about yourself- Recite nam nešto o sebi
Počnite ovu temu tako što ćete pričati o vašem iskustvu
I've been a senior manager for seven years.
I work in the sales department.
I'm responsible for managing our company's finances.
I'm in charge of a team of four people.
Before this, I worked for a local beverage company.
Potom pričajte o vašim iskustvima koji su vam pomogli da steknete nove veštine koje bi mogle biti korisne na toj poziciji.
My experience as a team leader taught me how to work under pressure.
Through this role, I learned the importance of time management and delegation.
Working in an international company equipped me with knowledge of many different industries.
Potom navedite razloge zašto aplicirate za taj posao.
I've grown in my current role, but I'd like to apply my experiences to a different industry.
Your company caught my attention, because of its excellent reputation.
Ovde navodim još par primera sa odgovorima:
I've been a social media manager for five years. I'm responsible for our company's email campaigns, social media accounts, and blogs. Before this, I worked in a local marketing agency, where I was in charge of event organisation. My time in digital and event marketing have taught me how important it is to properly manage relationships with customers – and also how much I enjoy this aspect of business. So I started looking for other opportunities in this field and your company caught my attention because you focus specifically on solutions for customer relationship management.
2. Gde vidite sebe za 5 godina?
Ovo pitanje ima reputaciju najtežih i najdosadnijih pitanja bilo da se postavlja na srpkom ili na engleskom. Iz više razloga je nezgodno odgovoriti na ovo pitanje. Ovde dajem par odgovora koje biste mogli da iskoristite.
I'd love to further develop my graphic design skills.
I would take advantage of the company's internal training and mentoring programs to increase my industry knowledge.
Ovde takođe možete naći 5 direktnijih odgovora.
In five years, I will hopefully have become an expert in branding.
In five years, I’d like to have worked with your respective current partners on global level.
One of my goals is to become a certified public accountant.
I’m excited by the prospect of being sent overseas.
Takođe možete naglasiti da vas interesuje napredak u budućnosti.
I'd like to take the lead in projects involving the international clients.
I'd love to have the opportunity to lead a team and further develop management skills.
If I have the chance, I'd love to be considered for a management role.
Ovo bi bio dobar odgovor za početne pozicije:
As an entry level employee, I'm mainly interested in learning, so I definitely want to increase my industry knowledge and take advantage of the company's training programs to further develop my project management skills. Also, since my last company served mainly start-ups, I'm excited about the prospect of working with large corporate clients. In five years, I'll hopefully have taken the lead in a few big projects. I'd also love to be considered for a leadership position on the team, if the opportunity arises.
3. I definitivno najteže pitanje marem na našim prostorima je koliku platu očekujete
Možete pokušati da odgovorite na sledeći način:
I'm expecting a salary in the range of _____ and _________
I'm looking to make around ____ to _______.
Ili možete odgovoriti ovako:
With my skills/experience/qualifications/certifications, I'd expect a salary of around _______ to ________.
Based on my research/knowledge of the industry, positions like this pay in the range of ______to _________.
Ukoliko smatrate da je pitanje prerano postavljeno na primer u prvom krugu intervjua ili niste sigurni da ste dobili sve informacije vezane za vaša zaduženja i obaveze odgovorite ovako:
I'd prefer discussing specific numbers after we've discussed the details of the position.
I'd like to learn more about what the position entails. From there, we can decide on a fair salary.
Could I first ask a few questions about the responsibilities of this role? I'll be able to provide a more accurate range that way.
Can I ask what salary range you have in mind for this position?
Ndam se da vam je ovaj tekst bio koristan.
Ukoliko imate pitanja ili vam je potrebna pomoć oko spremanja za razgovor za posao pišite mi na irina.kovacevic@naucijezik.com