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"How Far" & "How Long": Kad koji izraz koristimo?


  • How far is the station?

  • How long should I wait for the bus?

1. Koristimo “how long” kad nas zanima fizička dužina nečega.

  • How long are the curtains? It's three meters long.

  • How long is a marathon? Marathons is 42.195 km.

2. Koristimo“how long” kad nas zanima koliko nešto vremenski traje.

  • How long is the bus ride? An hour and a half.

  • How long will you stay in Paris? Five days.

  • How long did you wait? Just five minutes.

3. Koristimo “how far” kad pričamo o fizičkoj daljini.

  • How far do you jog every morning? About five miles.

  • How far can you kick a football? My record is 40 meters.

  • How far are we from the nearest the shopping center? About two kilometers away. / A 10-minute drive away.

  • How far is it to the peak of the hill? We're just 500 meters away. / We're halfway there.

Razlike u gramatici

1. "How far is it ... ?"

Možda ste primetili da uvek iza "How far dodajemo "is it".

Ponekad se "it" odnosi na mesto koje smo prethodno pomenuli. Na primer:

, "Did you just come from the supermarket? How far is it from here?", ovo "it" se odnosi na prodavnicu.

Sa druge strane, u većini slučajeva u pitanju je takozvano prazno it.

  • How far is it to the nearest bank? [= How far is the nearest bank?]

  • How far is it from here to there? [= What's the distance from here to there?]

U ovim pitanjima "it" koristimo samo zbog gramatike. Na primer, "How far from here to there?" je gramatički neispravno jer u rečenici nedostaje subjekat.

Ispravno se kaže : "How far is it from here to there?"

2. "How long does it take ... ?"

Takođe je moguće koristiti "how long" sa praznim "it", ali samo kad pitate o količini vremena koja je potrebna da se uradi nešto.

  • How long does it take to get to work every day? It takes about 30 minutes by car.

  • How long did it take for you to get to Skoplje? It took me over two hours.

Ovde glagol "take" koristimo u smislu "take (time)."

Tako kad čujete frazu "How long does it take to," znate da osobu zanima koliko mu je vremena potrebno kako bi stigao do određene lokacije a ne koliko ima km/m do te lokacije!

Red je na vas!

Uradite sledeću vežbice:

  1. _____ is it to the nearest hospital? 20 minutes by bus.

  2. _____ does it take to walk there? About 10 minutes.

  3. _____ can you keep food in the freezer? It depends, but usually months.

  4. _____ is it to Mars? About 225 million kilometers.

  5. _____ was Mark out sick? He was out for a week.

  6. _____ have you two been dating? We've been dating since uni.

  7. _____ can you jump? My record is two meters.

  8. _____ can you hold your breath? Two minutes.

  9. _____ do you live from here? A 40-minute drive.

  10. _____ have you been living in Canada? I've been here for nearly 50 years.

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