Koja je razlika?
1. Kako bismo pričali o fizičkoj distanci koristimo "how long"
"Na primer:
How long is the rope? It's three meters long.
How long is a marathon? Marathon is 42,195 km.
2. Korstimo "How long " da pitamo koliko nešto vremenski traje.
Na primer:
How long is the bus ride? An hour and a half.
How long will you stay in England? Five days.
How long did you wait? Just a few minutes.
3. Koristimo "How far" kad pričamo o fizičkoj udaljenosti
Na prmer:
How far do you run every morning? About 2 kilometers.
How far can you kick a football? My record is 40 meters.
How far are we from the nearest bus station? About two kilometers away.
How far is it to the peak of the mountain? We're just 600 meters away.
Obratite pažnju na gramatiku!
1. "How far is it ... ?"
You may have noticed that many "How far" questions start with "How far is it." Sometimes, the "it" refers to a place that was already mentioned. For example, if someone says, "Did you just come from school? How far is it from here?", the "it" refers to your school.
However most of the time, the "it" is an empty it.
Sigurno primećujete da dodajemo gotovo uvek "it" posle "how far". Ponekad se "it" odnosi na lokaciju koja je već pomenuta. Na primer, ako neko kaže: „Did you just come from school? How far is it from here? "It“ se odnosi na školu.
Međutim nekad je neophodno dodati "it" iako "it" direktno kao zamenica ne zamenjuje ni jednu reč.
How far is it to the nearest hospital? [= How far is the nearest hospital?]
How far is it from here to there? [= What's the distance from here to there?]
Bez "It" ove rečenice ne bi bile gramatički tačne!
2. "How long does it take ... ?"
Korsitimo "it" i sa "how long" kad govorimo o količini vremena.
How long does it take to get to work every day? It takes about 30 minutes by train.
How long did it take for you to run your marathon? It took me over five hours.
Kad upotrebimo glagol "to take" uvek govorimo o količini vremena , nikad o fizičkoj distanci!
Da li ste znali ovo?