Da krenemo od najlakšeg “Sorry”. Kratak i jasan način da kažemo nekom da nam je žao.
-Sorry for the late reply, we needed some time to process your request.
-So sorry for not replying sooner! We have been extremely busy trying to adjust the current platform to meet all the requirements.
Sorry I'm just getting back to you. It took more time than expected to get the full analysis.
Naravno frazu "I'm sorry” možete staviti i na kraj teksta.
Here's the demo version you have requested. Let me know if you need me to make any changes. I'm sorry that this took a little longer than expected.
Izviniti se zbog kašnjenja koristeći “Apologies”
"Apologies" ili "my apologies." Oba načina su veoma formalna i koristimo ih kad želimo nekom da se izvinimo.
U mejlovima izraz “ Apologies” je više zastupljen.
Apologies for the delay. I am available for a video call after 3PM.
Apologies for the delayed response. Our product team has confirmed that we will sooner be updating these features.
Please find the updated presentations attached. My apologies for the delay in sending these out.
Takođe u više formalnim kontekstima možete napisati i : "sincere/sincerest apologies."
Sincere apologies for the delayed response. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide all requested data until the end of the month.
Obavezno koristite množinu "apologies" — ne"apology."
· "Apology" se odnosi na izvinjenje koje ste već dali: "My apology was accepted.”
· "Apologies" znači isto što "I'm sorry": "My apologies for the late replay."
Koristite “Apologize”
"I apologize" je još jedan način da kažete da vam je žao.
I apologize for the delay. My assistant will arrange everything for a presentation for next Thursday afternoon.
I apologize for taking so long to reply. Your email went to my spam folder and just came to my attention now.
I apologize for the slow response. I was waiting for feedback from the marketing team. I'll follow up with you by the end of the week!
Možete takođe koristiti i frazu "I apologize (in advance)" ukoliko znate unapred da ćete verovatno kasniti sa odgovorom.
I will be traveling next week with limited access to the e-mail, so I apologize in advance for any possible delays.
Molim vas izvinite zbog kašnjenja
"Please excuse" znači,,Molim vas izvinite”.
Please excuse me for not responding sooner. I will give you the final answer until the end of the week.
Please excuse my delayed reply. We've been busy working on the bug you have reported. I'll update you when we've fixed it.
Please excuse any delayed responses next week as I will be on vacation. For emergencies, please contact my colleagues on the following e-mail….
Još jedna korisna fraza
"Please accept my apologies" je verzija izvinjenja koja se prvobitno korisitla pre "my apologies." U pitanju je jako formalan način da kažemo da nam je žao.
The information you have requested is attached below. Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.
We are so sorry for the delayed response. It seems your message got lost in our inbox over the holidays. If you are still interested in our services, please see the attached offer. Again, please accept our sincere apologies for the delay and any inconveniences it may have caused.
Thank you for the reminder.
Takođe možete da zahvalite drugoj strani na podsećanju.
Thank you for the reminder. I will be on the meeting on Thursday. Could you please send me the agenda?
Thanks for reaching out again and sorry for the delay. I'll get on your request right away and send you an update before the end of the week.
Thank you for following up. I wanted to reach you out sooner, but I'm still waiting on my manager to approve the budget.
Thank you for your patience.
"Thank you for your patience" se često koristi pogotovo kad ne znamo kome se obraćamo.
We have forwarded your email to the relevant team. Please expect a response from them within 3-5 business days. Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue.
Koje više izraze vi koristite