Kada ostajemo u sadašnjem vremenu (present simple)?
Ostajemo u sadašnjem vremenu ako ono što prenosimo još uvek važi, tj. ako je
Sadašnje vreme zadržavamo u reported speech-u kada ono što prenosimo i dalje važi ili je relevantno u trenutku kada govorimo.
Direktan govor: „I send the reports every week.“
Indirektan govor: „He says that he sends the reports every week.“
Zadržavamo sadašnje vreme (sends) jer se izveštaji i dalje šalju svake nedelje. Ovo opisuje rutinu koja važi i sada.
Direktan govor: „The company is expanding rapidly.“
Indirektan govor: „He mentioned that the company is expanding rapidly.“
Ekspanzija još uvek traje, tako da koristimo sadašnje vreme jer radnja nije završena.
Direktan govor: „We will start the project next week.“
Indirektan govor: „They said that they will start the project next week.“
Radnja je još uvek planirana, tako da zadržavamo buduće vreme (will), jer projekat tek treba da počne.
Potom, za druge situacije korisitimo Past Simple, would, must zadržavamo
Primeri iz svakodnevnih poslovnih situacija:
Na sastanku:
U e-mailu:
U izveštaju:
Primeri s različitim vremenima glagola:
Present Simple: "I work in the marketing department." -> She said she worked in the marketing department.
Present Continuous: "We are launching a new product next month." -> They said they were launching a new product the following month.
Past Simple: "I finished the report yesterday." -> He said he had finished the report the day before.
Future Simple: "I will be in London next week." -> She said she would be in London the following week.
Primeri s modalnim glagolima:
Can: "I can finish the project by Friday." -> He said he could finish the project by Friday.
Must: "You must submit the report by Monday." -> The manager said that we must submit the report by Monday.
Will: "I will send you the email later." -> She said she would send me the email later.
Kada prebacujemo u past perfect?
Prošlo vreme koristimo kada prenosimo izjave o radnjama koje su završene ili više nisu relevantne u trenutku prenosa. U ovim situacijama, koristimo past simple ili past perfect.
Direktan govor: „I finished the report.“
Direktan govor: „We discussed the new project yesterday.“
Tu sam za sva pitanja :)